14112019 – yogic entry


Today another beautiful sunny day.

Thankfull for life itself.

Be responsible for life, wait, be patient, stay cool inside and out, trust.


For free healing session(s), just read this entry couple of times.

And meditate on that.






Om Guru Om – Akash Now Recall

0 Mind, 0 Future/Past (Time), just the no(w) mind.

No mind, just eternal Bliss/Life (Nithya Ananada).

What to do when conflict arises?? Let go, just smile (really!). 🙂

Else? No thing else.

Union with super-Self is real, feel it, fine tune to it.

Is there a inner calling? Do not doubt that, follow it. Let the you go.

All “I” need is here, now.

no worry, no plans

Meditation/Sahaj Samadhi/Nada/Silence

neuer Workshop – Oktober 2018


Workshop beinhaltet Yoga, Meditation und Einführung in das energetische Heilen. Heile Dich selbt, heile andere um dich selbst zu heilen.

Probiere es aus, habe Spass, starte durch. Auf geht´s !!

Bis dann.

Namaste und Power Life Blessing.

Yogi Jens