Serve an other and serve your self

Advaita means (the non dual), every thing is oneness, all is connected, somehow reflecting each other in this multiverse, like infinite mirrors.

So be good, be above the dualities, rise in the light of bliss and knowledge.

If some small dark cloud come to your mind. Just observe, do not do anything. Focus on the positive and it will grow and grow and grow. You´ll be happy and content. Om Shanti.

Serve others, serve yourSelf. Smile. 🙂

Thank You


be blissful

Energy Heal Your Self – xpand and let the Prana flow

Hello dear Yoga and Energy Healing Friend:

So maybe you know, when there is some kind of block in the water pipe, that the water doesnt flow right. So we have to clean out the pipe in order do have propper flow again and again.

In the same way, just on the Shushumna and Nadi level (fine energy pipes/pathways) energy can be blocked, hold back or whatsoever. In this case we can do energy healing and clear out the block. There is of course different scenarios and there is different energy centers (the chakras, the main ones).

A lot of people are still quite blocked at the Anahata Chakra, the middle one, from different Karmas and different levels. So when this center gets activated and cleared out, one can experience deeper states of intense love. Maybe this person was rather selfish and greedy, now he begins to share more and more and gets more happy by this kind of mature love.

If you wanna get a session with me, please donate/share and energetic exchange of some amount that fits you and we will arrange a super amazing healing session, which will uplift your life, life around you and clear old patterns for good!

Let me facilitate one Session to heal yourself. Heal me heal you. Since we are all connected on a deep level.

Thank You. Be Blissful.

Yogi Jens, Energy Channel

donations and love project contributions:


Diese Woche – YOGA


Salzyoga – Yogapraxis mit heilenden Salzkristallen

Healing Yoga Class – für alle die es intensiver angehen wollen!

Klubhaus und beginner light Yoga – für Neulinge die Körper und Geist erfrischen möchten.

Stand: 5.3.2018

Yoga Termine – NEU NEU – diese WOCHE:

5.3.18 Mo 17-18 YOGA-Big Group, SV Garbsen, Ludwigstraße 7, 30827 Garbsen

7.8.18 Mi 9 – 10, Bürger YOGA (bis 14.3.2018), TuS Gümmer, Westerfeldweg 4, 30926 Seelze

8.3.2018, 1815-1945, Klubhaus TSV Stelingen (Schnupperstunde, kostenlos)

10.3.18 Mo 9.30-11 YOGA-Big Group, SV Garbsen, Ludwigstraße 7, 30827 Garbsen

10.3.2018, 13-14, Salzgrotte Seelze, 05137/8168284

10.3.2018, 17-18, Salzinsel Hannover, 0511 / 55 22 55

12.3.2018, 19-20, Salzinsel Hannover, 0511 / 55 22 55

Bitte anmelden über die Veranstaltungsorte.

NEU NEU: Healing Yoga Class (geht sehr tief)

ZEIT: 21 03 2018 Mi 18-20

ORT: Immenweg 2, 30827 Garbsen (harmonischer Raum mit vielen Kristallen)

Energieausgleich: 11€

Bitte vorher anmelden. 015256080533 oder

Yogi Jens

beginner Yoga “light” – Kurs

Mi 20-2130 Starttermin: 18.4.2018, 10 x

Sonnenuntergang ab Mai 2018, circa 21 Uhr (gute Zeit für Meditation)

Bildungsverein, Hannover, Telefon 0511 344 144, es gibt noch wenige Plätze

regelmässiges YOGA bei Vereinen (ausser Schulferien)

SV Garbsen, Ludwigstraße 7, 30827 Garbsen

Mo 17-18 YOGA-Big Group

Sa 930–11 YOGA-MIX

TuS Gümmer, Westerfeldweg 4, 30926 Seelze

Mi 9 – 10, Bürger YOGA (bis 14.3.2018)

Your Creative Consciousness

Cheers vibe Tribe:

Relax, take a deep breath in, hold, and let go breath out. Do that 4 times. Come back to your present, your present moment.

First: In the near future it will be most important thing to play with your own Consciousnes (Csn). Maybe it is already now, that we play along. 😉 Nothing will be worth more and more important. Fasten your mindbelt, let us go!!

Anyway keep yourSelf utterly busy, churn and spread your LOVE!

Second: Please expand your Life, for your own sake 😉 DeProgram old thinking/beliefs that hold you back. You know what I mean 😉

Be Blissfull. Namaste. Yogi Jens